LOCATION: Potomac , MD
TRAIL DISTANCE: 4.9 Miles (Trails A & B) TRAILHEAD/ DIRECTIONS: Macarthur BLVD TRAIL TYPE: Loop TRAIL GRADE: STRENUOUS (4) TRAIL PARKING: 60 spots KEY WORDS: Summit View, Waterfalls, Ages 7+, Unique TRAIL INFO:
What’s to like about the trail: Near Washington DC, short distance, great workout and gorge-ous landscape Why go for a hike on this trail: You like Rocks, rock scrambles to be exact mixed in with views of the Potomac River, wildlife and endless spots to go hop. Best time to go for a hike on this trail: Any season, beware of wet conditions , easily flooded. Very Popular, so early bird gets the worm. Gear recommendations: 1 bottle and a snack or light lunch. Shoes with good traction and shock absorption. Summary: The Billy Goat is the worst kept secret in DC. However if you are new to DC or new to hiking, then welcome! The Billy Goat will be your new favorite short distance, need a quick workout or have to get out of the house trail. It has portions A, B and C, however most folks do A and B because C is a tad thick with forest. The A and B portions do form a loop back to your car on MacArthur Blvd. The trail has both single-track (dirt) and plenty of rocks and boulders to navigate. The Billy Goat while not technical is still a formidable foe with plenty of areas to pay attention to. I personally have hiked the Billy Goat and seen folks twist ankles or fall in many of the crevices and loose rock areas. This trail system is not one for your dog, or kids younger than 10 and don’t hike this when there has been a ton of rain. This trail while fun for its rock scrambles is also tricky, dangerous and can get flooded very easily. The trail rides along the Potomac River, it offers a thumbs up views of the river and the opposite shoreline of Virginia. Billy Goat is famous for its rock scramble, so get ready to hop, bounce and at times sit on your butt as you traverse the rocks. Make sure to pay attention to the trail markings as often the rangers will redesign the trail to protect the habitat. Lastly, there is a rock wall, luckily you can climb along the wall in a diagonally but it does take concentration and good hand and foot holds. This trail is a treasure to be so close to Washington DC and provide all the benefits of a big time hike. Oh and for your reward, just walk across MacArthur Blvd to the Anglers Inn for food, beer and during the summer, some Ice Cream. |